South Chingford Foundation School


We recognise the importance of well-being if we are to be 'the best version of ourselves'. Our curriculum challenges every student to learn and achieve and our team of staff and peer mentors support individual welfare needs along the pathway of the learning journey.
  • Safeguarding is positively and effectively promoted and taught across our curriculum  and students are made aware of who to contact if required
  • A dedicated welfare team  and  SEND team provide additional support to students as needed 
  • Students with EAL are supported through workshops and lessons to increase their understanding and develop language skills.
  • Our library is open before and after school for students who wish to continue studying beyond curriculum hours.
  • Booster classes and study clubs provide additional support outside school hours for home learning and GCSE coursework.
  • Through our successful and popular mentoring schemes students are encouraged to support their peers in other year groups.
  • With access to local and external support agencies our support networks contribute from whole school drop down days through to individual specialist workers.