“Geography is the subject which holds the key to our future" Michael Palin
The study of GCSE Geography can help you to:
- Develop a knowledge and understanding of current events both local and global.
- Investigate the earth and its peoples.
- Develop a range of useful skills.
- Gain an understanding and appreciation of the cultures and backgrounds of people.
What qualities do I need to study GCSE Geography?
- You should have a keen interest in the world around you.
- You should be prepared to work independently and in groups.
Where will Geography take me?
- Geography could lead you to exciting career prospects, e.g. engineering, geology, civil aviation, tourism, nature conservation, business and commerce – remember Geography achieves good examination results nationally and is one of the most versatile and employable subjects (linking Literacy, Numeracy, ICT and Science).
- Geography is classified as a Science subject in many universities when studied at A Level.
Course Structure