South Chingford Foundation School

Senior Leadership Team

Mr R Mammen - Chief Executive Officer

Mr Mammen took up post as CEO of the Chingford Academies Trust in January 2023. With a background in Mathematics and having worked at Chingford Foundation School, he is driven by a desire to provide the best possible  education and opportunities for  all of the students in the Trust. 

I took up the post of CEO of the Chingford Academies Trust in January 2023. I have been working in Education establishments for over 20 years across North London and Essex, across Maintained Secondary Schools, Academies, and FE Colleges. My background is in Mathematics, and I continue to teach Maths as needed within the Trust Schools. I am driven by a desire to provide the best possible education and opportunities for all of the students in the Trust, and every day, I am looking to see how we can do that better. 

Ms Hobbs - Head of School

Mr Asiedu - Vice Principal 

Ms White - Vice Principal

Mr Baker - Assistant Principal

Mr Cole - Assistant Principal

Ms Godsave - Assistant Principal