South Chingford Foundation School


In-Year Admissions

In-Year admissions are to be made directly to South Chingford Foundation School, please contact the school and apply using the In-Year Application Form at the bottom of the page.

For further information about admissions, please contact our Admissions Team on  or by calling the school on 020 8531 9231.

Year 6 Admissions to Year 7

Admission Arrangements for 2024-2025

Applying for a Year 7 place in a normal September admission round

The Admission Authority of Chingford Foundation School is The Chingford Academies Trust (the Governing body of the School).  At Chingford Foundation School, we follow the Local Authority admissions procedure. The London Borough of Waltham Forest administer applications for entry to Year 7.  Applications are to be made through or the Common Application Form from 1st September until 31st October.  If your child has an older sibling on roll at the school, you still must apply.  National Offer Day for Year 7 places for September 2024 is Friday 1st March 2024.

 Pupils will be admitted normally at age 11 and without reference to ability.  The Published Admission Number (PAN) for entry to Year 7 is 160.  The school will accordingly admit up to 160 pupils if sufficient applications are received.  All applicants will be admitted if 160 or fewer apply.  When applications for admission exceed the number of places available, places will be offered in accordance with the Oversubscription Criteria (if there are more applications than places in the normal Year 7 admission round.)

Our Secondary Admissions Process is dealt with by the London Borough of Waltham Forest.  More information can be found in the documents below or by clicking on this link. 



 If you wish to appeal against their decision not to offer a place, you should write directly to the school (not telephone or email), addressed to:

The Admissions Manager, South Chingford Foundation School, Stadium Close, London, E4 8ES

The school will then send details of how to appeal. The appeals are arranged and held by the London Borough of Waltham Forest Democratic Services on behalf of South Chingford Foundation School.