South Chingford Foundation School

GCSE Results Success 2024

Well done to Year 11

Congratulations to all of our Year 11s on their results today. We are so proud of you!

We were delighted to celebrate with our Year 11 students on results day as they received their GCSEs. The class of 2024 has risen to the challenge of these full specification courses despite interruptions and, due to their hard work and commitment, have received some great results. We want to thank our families for their ongoing support to all our teaching and support staff who have worked with this cohort to help them on their road to success. 

We had some excellent individual results with students achieving a collection of top grades, including Andreas A, Alessandra A, Muzamil F, Diamond I, Koraay K, Tomas R, Xandriana W and Aiman Y. 

We are also very proud of those students who worked very hard and exceeded their target grades Noria Z, Merve K, and Ahmed M.  

Most importantly, we are delighted to announce that most students have gained entry to their selected post-16 destination and can follow their preferred pathway!  

We look forward to welcoming them back for our annual ‘Ex Year 11 Awards Evening’ in the new term.  

Celebrating with Families


GCSE Results 2024


This article will be updated further as information comes through