Mental Health and Wellbeing
At South Chingford Foundation school, we prioritise the wellbeing of both staff and students. We are committed to ensuring a holistic approach at the school and strive to make wellbeing a core principle of our culture.
We provide a robust pastoral system to support students at SCFS including:
- Student surveys
- Assemblies on physical and mental wellbeing
- Counselling
- Learning mentor support
- Pastoral support officers
- Rewards assemblies
- Pastoral time for RSHE
- Signposting of support
- Student voice
- Enrichment – trips
- South Chingford Team around the Child meetings
- Student leadership
- Youth Champions
In addition, we are cognisant of the need to prioritise staff wellbeing. Staff wellbeing policy. We have introduced a number of mechanisms to do this:
- Two-week half term
- Two wellbeing days
- Effective Communication systems
- Staff surveys
- Staff counselling
- Line management
- Software to drive down workload
- Staff consultation groups
- Staff events