All teaching staff are responsible for supporting SEND students to access the curriculum.
Our teachers are trained to support SEND student needs and have continuous training to develop their skills, knowledge and understanding of SEND needs. In addition, our team of support assistants work collaboratively with teaching staff to ensure the needs of all our students are met in all year groups and across the curriculum. Our school also maintains strong links with outside agencies and services that are on hand to give advice, guidance and intervention where needed. Educational Psychologists, specialist counselling, Child and Family Consultation Service and a Safer Neighbourhood Officer are just some of the professionals whose aim is to support our school so we can, in turn support our students.
Our Special Education Needs and Disability Coordinator (SENDCo) is able to assess students for possible learning needs. The SENDCo also coordinates the provision for those students with Education and Health Care Plans and those with specified learning needs; supporting them through plans and that all teachers have access to them for planning whilst liaising with external professionals to guarantee the best possible offer, support and outcomes for each learner.
Please contact the school SENDCo if you have any questions about special educational needs or disabilities:
Ms Parkar, SENDCo